Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Now I've never had a proper paranormal experience, but this one came damn close to it! 
A few days ago I was in the sitting room, listening to the trains pass, and I heard a whooshing sound from a train's blower motor, so I look outside and sure enough there's an SMU200 sitting on platform 1. These trains are notorious for the whooshing sound as they come in. I think "Oh cool, an SMU200" and then I sit back down, not really thinking much of it. Then a few minutes later, I hear the whooshing blower motor again, and there's another SMU200, and it's on platform 1! It seemed to come in exactly the same and look exactly the same as the set before! Anyway, I thought "Hm, it's another SMU200" I didn't really take it seriously until, sure enough, a few minutes later I hear the notorious whooshing sound coming from the distance, and I look outside once again to see an SMU200 cruising into platform 1!!! The way all 3 of the SMU200s looked was identical, they all made the same sound, stopped in the same place on the same platform, all about 2-3 minutes apart! As evening closed in, I thought about it long and hard thinking, how could have I seen 3 6 car SMU200s that's half of the SMU200 fleet operating on the same line, in the same direction, at almost the same time!

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