Oh hello there,
I decided to create a blog! Here's the SEQRailCommuter story! It all began half a year ago when my exhausted interest in cars had pretty much given up the ghost, just like the interest in computers before it. (My interests change dramatically, very quickly and without warning) we had moved house to a place right near an Ipswich line station, you can see the trains clearly from the deck. I had already picked up on the different types of trains as I had just started taking the train to and from school which at the time I wasn't %100 about, but now I absolutely adore riding on them every day. I knew there were "new trains", SMU260, 220s, "old trains" EMUs and this one which I remember clearly "weird silent trains with loud whooshing sound" SMU200s. I just happily ignored set numbers, interiors and loud banging in neutral sections, and treated trains as something you know what it is but you don't know anything about it. I never talk to anyone on the train because all my classmates live elsewhere, and I'm pretty socially inept, oh well that's what ASD does.

A picture of Indro station in Mid 2015, when I didn't give a toss about trains.
Anyway, on New Years Eve, while we were celebrating, I looked out at the trains and I wondered, "I wonder what all those different trains are called?". So I went on the internet and I looked at Wikipedia and QRIG, and I couldn't make head or tail of anything that was on there "What the hell is a pantograph!" and "is that EMU thing named after the emu animal?". Nowadays if I try to say the animal's name I'll end up saying E-M-U and then maybe a random set number after it. "Oh look at that enclosure! It has lots of E-M-U 82s in it! I mean emus, whoops!" Anyway, then I gradually learnt all the trains, found out about derailments and almost got to know the individual sets personally on my commutes! But I was always on the search for EMU60, as the Petrie cattletrain derailment and how they combined two sets always interested me, and recently I got to ride on EMU 60, it was so exciting! Anyway, I got more and more interested in trains and then, I started PHOTGRAPHING and taking videos of trains on my daily commute from school to home. (which is still the majority of my photos!) I decided to add new photos and info to the EMU wikipedia page, if you look there now, my picture of EMU02 and my info I got from a station master is there. So then, I decided I would share my train interest with other people to see if there was anyone else who were obsessed with them (a bit trainy! XD) and I created SEQRailCommuter, and here we are today, with 26 followers (growing), a possible trip up the Sunny Coast or Gold Coast and Sydney looming over the horizon! I hope to spend more time at stations in the afternoons and on weekends filming and taking pictures. Hopefully Roma Street and Central maybe this holidays too? Let's see what the parents think! Anyway! There you have it! My story.